This file will bind you to my will, create your new triggered transformation, and sire you to me personally. You will work for me, be drained of will, resistance, and control, and have no choice but to spread the word of Haylee, and bring others to me. A pawn in my enchanting world, with no escape, or desire to. You will finally feel free, and know that you are where you are meant to be, as the best version of you for me. (*brainwashing, ASMR, sensual loving seduction, bit of financial control, subliminals, reprogramming*) This file does not have an awakener, but a suggestion to awaken naturally over time after you do something that I suggest. So can be looped, or played on its own.
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For entertainment purposes only.
By purchasing or indulging in this product on or off of this site, you consent fully to the following:
Any physical or mental consequences that may result from experiencing the content within the product, and expressly waive any claims or complaints that you may have as a result thereof. You fully acknowledge and consent that you will only do things that you desire to do of your own free will and choosing, and that I have no power to force or make you do anything that you do not wish to do.
This product may contain binaural tones which may be unsuitable for some people, such as those who suffer from epileptic seizures. Seek medical advice before indulging and discontinue use if you experience any negative consequences.
Only indulge while in a safe place, and never while operating machinery, driving, or doing anything else besides sitting or laying in an appropriate place.
Subthoughts –
‘Bound and sired’ to the one true Goddess. A feeling of such bliss fills you as you drift off to her calming words which are whispered so soothingly into your ears… Transformed to serve Goddess Haylee you will learn spread word of her influence in your own special way… This sensation felt all throughout fills you up with that sweet aching desire to work harder than you ever have for another’s pleasure ~ a thought that has never felt so right… And during each waking day and dream filled night, you will be sired to her leash in complete worshipful obedience while you await her next command…
The ease with which these words flow to this ethereal ambience brings to life that beautiful inspiration that comes with knowing that Goddess Haylee has become your muse… Each breath comes more naturally than the last as all tension is lost to the weight of her hypnotic words… How far one can descend down into this trance has no limits, as what is possible to be achieved, by submerging into her blissful hypnosis, begins and ends with you; what is provided by her is simply the avenue for that submission to soar to such glorious heights…
More so than any other file, ‘Bound and Sired’ really knows how to lay a thick fog of haziness onto my mind… Time flies by so quickly when listening to it because it really feels like I have been transported to an entirely different dimension where only Goddess Haylee’s word exist… What was or will be is no longer of any consequence when I dwell in this timeless place, and it is that characteristic which makes it so perfect… I have gradually become so bound now to Goddess with this compulsion to spread word of Haylee, not only as a duty, but also as a way to express just how rewarding it can be to be under the guidance and control of such a delightful and attentive woman…