19 mins $29.99
You and I both know how pathetically useless your dick is! You will never find a woman who truly wants to fuck you, and its soooo gross being a chronic hand humper. This loop is going to mind fuck your dick into impotent mush. Limpy, wimpy, beta impotent cuck!
Keep trying to hump that hand, beta, this loop is just going to make it go all limp and even more pathetic. Its SO funny to think of you there pumping away at a mushy limp dick, feeling nothing but shame. This is a subliminal file, full of phrases that are designed to penetrate your subconscious mind. Some you will clearly hear, some you will not.
I recommend listening to this loop right after listening to any hypnosis file to make it even more intense. Consider Impotent, Impotent 2.0 or beta bitch useless male. This has no formal induction, yet will mind fuck your mind and dick into limp dick oblivion.
Listen to this often, especially while doing safe things like browsing the web, obsessing over My social media, cleaning the house, etc. ( NO DRIVING or doing anything that requires full mental concentration)
Special Features: Many subliminal mind fuck layers, Verbal Humiliation, Emasculation, Bratty Domme, Laughing and Teasing, Light Findom, Brainwashing, Impotence
You may also personalize this file by clicking here. This means that the file will feel like it was created just for you. Once you complete the purchase, email hypnotichaylee@gmail.com with what you would like to hear in the personalized track. This can include triggers, your name, fetish sayings, hypnotic language(NLP), post hypnotic suggestions, added hypnotic tones/beats, etc. This will be looped, or played throughout the entire file for an intimate and personal feel. Personalized copies are sent out within 1 week. You do not have to purchase this file outside of this link, but if you already own it, you may still use this to personalize it. There are no refunds or revisions once the file is sent.
You may also purchase via Niteflirt with the buy now button below, although I HIGHLY prefer the above methods, as NF keeps 30% of every sale.
Click here to order a CUSTOM mp3!
For entertainment purposes only.
By purchasing or indulging in this product on or off of this site, you consent fully to the following:
Any physical or mental consequences that may result from experiencing the content within the product, and expressly waive any claims or complaints that you may have as a result thereof. You fully acknowledge and consent that you will only do things that you desire to do of your own free will and choosing, and that I have no power to force or make you do anything that you do not wish to do.
This product may contain binaural tones which may be unsuitable for some people, such as those who suffer from epileptic seizures. Seek medical advice before indulging and discontinue use if you experience any negative consequences.
Only indulge while in a safe place, and never while operating machinery, driving, or doing anything else besides sitting or laying in an appropriate place.
Lexie –
It received this file as part of its Patreon pledge to Empress. Even after the first listen to this file it found it VERY difficult to get even a slight erection. Now that it has been training to this file EVERY night for 8 nights, it’s dicklet is constantly limp. It’s arousal is completely mental, and find itself enjoying being humiliated by Empress.
Lexie –
it received this file as part of its Patreon pledge.
This file is another great masterpiece by Empress Vox Siren. It has only listened to this file once, and it immediately found that by the end of the file, it was very difficult to get an erection. After a half dozen sessions training to this file, it now is not longer able to get an erection, and it is so very happy. It’s mind is more focused on pleasing and serving Empress.
Subthoughts –
‘Limp Dick Wimp Loop’ must be one of the very few files where I find myself coming around to the idea of enjoying being humiliated by Empress for being a wimpy, limpy beta hand humper on repeat… My arousal turns to mush whenever her suggestions urge my body to shut off, and I am simultaneously pushed down to a state of lesser being where the only satisfaction can be found in being impotent, weak, and submissive for her…
The humorous fate that Empress has in store her slaves, who can’t live up to the expectations of what beautiful woman crave, will be delivered with a handful of scorn followed by a dose of acceptance… For the prospective, denied beta, being useful to woman in the forms of entertaining and paying for their days out will be the tasks that they are faced with… Empress fucks wallet because that is the only pleasure that she will ever provide, and more importantly because she knows that inducing this pathetic state of enslavement will make it nigh impossible for a weak beta to measure up in a woman’s eyes…
With ‘Limp Dick Wimp Loop’ I have become freed to pursue deeper slavery to Empress Vox by finally coming to terms with existing as a beta limp, dick loser… I am freed from the expectations of needing to be a real man, and instead live each day now more intensely enslaved than the last under her divine and cruel ownership, which is a perfection all in of itself…