28 mins $29.99
My weak little play thing, you are blissfully blank and empty. Mmmmm yes , blissfully blank and empty as that trigger forces you to be completely open to everything that I am about to say.
Every suggestion, command, or phrase that you hear, is going to flood your mind, and make you mine, so much more. You can’t resist ME! This feels SO good. I am completely irresistible, my little play thing~ Now your mind is blissfully blank and empty for Haylee, and while you are this blank for Me, your body responds in the only way it knows how. DEEP arousal.
I wonder if you are an edging little bliss bot, or if you are locked away in chastity, aching for Me so beautifully? Either way, I am going to have fun playing with you, making you so hot and weak for Me, and you are going to feel the power that I hold over you. Mmmm and the power that I wield, makes you oh so weak and horny doesn’t it? Weak, horny, aching, humping the air! Hearing my voice lulling you down, teasing you, tempting you. Ache for Me…ache for Haylee……..seduced….entrapped……..MINE.
When you are this weak and aroused, you would do anything for Me, wouldnt you? Mmmm
*Intense arousal
*DEEP trance
*repeat after Me
*finger snaps
*Brainwashing subliminals
*Mindfucking body tease
*No awakener
*Utilizes triggers from previous mp3s, such as blissfully blank and empty
Click here to order a CUSTOM mp3!
For entertainment purposes only.
By purchasing or indulging in this product on or off of this site, you consent fully to the following:
Any physical or mental consequences that may result from experiencing the content within the product, and expressly waive any claims or complaints that you may have as a result thereof. You fully acknowledge and consent that you will only do things that you desire to do of your own free will and choosing, and that I have no power to force or make you do anything that you do not wish to do.
This product may contain binaural tones which may be unsuitable for some people, such as those who suffer from epileptic seizures. Seek medical advice before indulging and discontinue use if you experience any negative consequences.
Only indulge while in a safe place, and never while operating machinery, driving, or doing anything else besides sitting or laying in an appropriate place.
Toy4Her –
Come on, do i really need to comment on this? What could be more arousing than having Goddess tease you mercilessly?
slavefri –
You will never be teased more by a mp3 in your life than by this one. First a great induction that you don’t see coming. Once you are under, Goddess will rock your world, and whatever you are lying on, to the point where this becomes your best shot at an HFO. You will beg for it to stop, trust me!
Subthoughts –
Aching for Goddess Haylee is the ultimate release… Pleasing Goddess Haylee feels better than orgasm… I need to please her… Any way possible… I must surrender… I must… I can’t stop…. The teasing is merciless. How can I resist such temptation when it is exercised with such intense eroticism???? I am wrapped around her finger, enslaved by her…. It’s only going to get hotter from here on out…. Hotter, Hotter, HOTTER…
‘Hot Hazy Hypno Tease’ is the kind of file that catches you off guard because it starts off slow until it eventually builds to a boiling point where Goddess Haylee unleashes ALL of her creative hypnotic seduction in such a burst of arousing passion that it becomes impossible NOT to fall under her spell and be entirely consumed by her mind numbing finger snaps… It is the ideal file to listen to if you want to feel that burning sensation that comes from being teased by her on an irresistible edge…