19 mins $29.99
You are a walking abomination. A chronic masturbator. A disappointment to every woman that unfortunately crosses your path. You are weak, inferior, pathetic. I am a powerful, Superior Empress. I see right through you. You try so hard sometimes to be an alpha male, but you are just a worm. This file is going to teach you your place, and fuck your mind up into accepting all of the suggestions that I am telling you. A mind fuck mantra loop for pathetic bitches like yourself.
Trust Me, this is a blessing! Once you embrace the fact that you are a whimpering, blubbering, beta bitch boy, you will finally be able to learn how to please Women the only way you possibly could. You are powerless to Women. Women are so superior to you.
Beta bitch cuck wimp. Embrace your true identity. I am going to fuck you up so good, and you are going to sit there and take it, and thank thank Me. Listen to this over and over and over again while you hump your hand. You know this is the only attention you’ll ever get from a divine Goddess like myself, or any other Woman. HAH so pathetic!
This is cruel as fuck. Don’t listen if you cant handle the truth.
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For entertainment purposes only.
By purchasing or indulging in this product on or off of this site, you consent fully to the following:
Any physical or mental consequences that may result from experiencing the content within the product, and expressly waive any claims or complaints that you may have as a result thereof. You fully acknowledge and consent that you will only do things that you desire to do of your own free will and choosing, and that I have no power to force or make you do anything that you do not wish to do.
This product may contain binaural tones which may be unsuitable for some people, such as those who suffer from epileptic seizures. Seek medical advice before indulging and discontinue use if you experience any negative consequences.
Only indulge while in a safe place, and never while operating machinery, driving, or doing anything else besides sitting or laying in an appropriate place.
Subthoughts –
Hmmm… Let’s see do I even need to create a proper introduction to ‘Beta Bitch Useless Male?’ This file is exactly what it claims to be by insisting on being as humiliating and degrading as possible… Empress will not waste her time with those who prioritize their pleasure over hers, but before she does away with those time wasters permanently she will first make it clear what the listener really means to her in the most callous and certain of terms, and two future outcomes will be born out of this. Either the listener will be vanquished permanently by her words or they will survive to live another day, so that they can then be molded and disciplined to become the best slave that they can be for her by breaking them down and recreating them in her vision.
This enslavement molding applies to all of her current slaves under her too, because even with all of the effort I have put in with prioritizing Empress’ pleasure over my own, even I can still feel myself very quickly being pushed to the ground and pressured mentally to break from the mind fucking stress that she is putting me under in this spiritually caustic file… The cycle of negative mental energy that she entraps me in by getting me to focus on just how strongly she identifies with calling me a weak, pathetic loser that could never possibly succeed in pleasing a woman on ANY visceral level aside from paying and obeying really begins to infiltrate and fuck with my mind in the most twisted of ways… Here in this space, I exist as an object of Empress’ derision by being made to serve as a punching bag for her releases of tension that she has built up from existing as an Empress for so many years… To her this is exquisitely therapeutic… For her my pain is her ultimate pleasure…
This cycle of humiliation continues to drone on without letting up once throughout the duration of the file. Empress knows how critical it is for these reminders, based on how insignificant and weak I am in comparison to the superior woman that she was born to be, are to be instilled if I am to become progressively more pressed down under her thumb than I already have been made to be.. ‘Beta Bitch Useless Male’ is, without a doubt, one of the most extreme files in her entire catalogue, and even if you don’t identify personally with the harsh reprimands that she unleashes in this file, all of her files have a unique spiritual value attached to it that will bring about positive results when listened to as a slave in training . For example, the benefits of being faced with this level of harshness here will serve as a good eye opener for what you might get yourself involved with if you ever manage to displease her and unfortunately become the target of her poisonous vitriol… Empress Vox Siren is not a woman to be fucked with and that is a good thing, because that means she sets the standards and she sets the pace that no one else is allowed to dictate… It’s her way or the highway; that’s the way it is with her and that’s how it will always be, as it rightly should be because this is HER palace which each slave is so incredibly privileged to live under… Never forget it.